I am asked
all the time about low maintenance plantings, about gardens that don’t require
irrigation, and it gives me pause, especially when they’re showing me photos of
rolling green lawns, masses of hostas, billowing roses and hydrangeas. Frankly,
most people want all the beauty but don’t want to put in the effort that goes
along with it, nor do they want to spend the time or the money, However, every
once in a while, I meet someone who is trying to create a landscape that won’t
have a huge impact on the environment, who believes that in the next century,
“water is going to be the next oil,” and so wants a garden that isn’t an energy
and resource suck hole. This column on xeriscaping is for them.
The term
‘xeriscape’ does not mean no water, it means water conservation through
water-efficient landscaping. You will still have to figure out have to get
water to your new trees and bushes and perennials, it’s just going to be less
water. You will need to mulch plants to keep the moisture that’s in the soil
there, and you will have to choose the right plant for the right place, so that
water needs are met. In other words if you have sandy soil you will not be
planting a weeping willow, but if you have heavy clay you can. Beach plums and hawthorns,
perfect for those with nutrient poor, sandier soils.
Often, when
I tell people I’m going to talk about xeriscaping, people roll their eyes and
say they don’t want a gravel garden with a bunch of succulents stuck all over
the place, but it’s really about the right plant in the right place, and choosing
tough plants that are drought tolerant, low maintainence and natural looking.
Certainly sedums and hens and chicks can work into that garden, as can native
plants (if it grows on it’s own in an environment when the irrigation system is
provided by the heavens, it will thrive in a garden with limited water provided
by you.) However we’re also talking about spirea, cotoneaster, lilacs, dogwoods
and mountain laurels. Crape Myrtles and Locust trees are good candidates, as
are junipers and daffodils. Leyland cypresses, not so much.
Again, I’m
not talking about a landscape with no water. That’s called a desert. Plants
need to have water to live, and a new plant, planted by you, not nature, will
need water for the first couple of years, no matter what. People always think
they can just stick a bunch of grasses in the ground and not worry about them
any more. Then, when their grasses curled up and brown from desiccation, they
get frustrated. It doesn’t seem to matter how many times I’ve told them, people
just don’t want to believe you have to water a miscanthus. Once it’s
established, a miscanthus grass with a good root system will not need constant
irrigation, but if you are planting a large plant that’s been grown in a
nursery in a pot getting water every day, or every other day of it’s entire
life, I guarantee it’s not going to thrive with a smattering of rain drops in
the third week of july. A lavender could handle it. In fact most of the death I
see with lavender has to do with it rotting or freezing in wet soil. You can’t
have a lavender under planting a hydrangea, the two plants have too disparate
water needs. You can put a rugosa rose in a lavender bed and get by with
significantly less watering, and that’s sort of the basic tenant of
It’s also
about accepting what does well without being forced. Butterfly bushes love it
out here; they thrive in the sun and couldn’t be happier. You want a low
growing ground cover? Use liriope, it’s tough, it can handle most soil
conditions, it doesn’t require a ton of fertilizer and it’s drought tolerant.
If you have
sun, you have lots of choices including most of the plants that do well in Mediterranean
areas, all the silvery and fuzzy foliage plants perform better with less water
then with too much. Iris do surprisingly well with less water as do all the
fescue grasses, some of which can ever take a little shade. Gallardia and
yarrow both rock through drought conditions as do daylilies. Hydrangeas don’t. Artemisia
and salvia, centranthus and nepeta, Sea Holly and Russian Sage, what we’re
looking for are plants that are easy to care for, and successful in a variety
of different soil types and climates. Not the specialty plants, not the half
hardy or the temperamental, but the toughies, the thugs, the workhorse. Yes to
sedum no to phlox. Asters do fantastic is you can remember where they are in
spring and not weed them up as I am so guilty of doing.
And yes sedums
and hens and chicks rock a low water landscape. I have lately become overly fond of the hens and chicks, but
am having a hard time working them into my existing planting scheme. So they
are going to be this years potting solution. As I am a terrible waterer of
containers, I end up putting all my potted plants through a prolonged and
painful desiccation death. This year, I’m going a different way with the
various sempervivums, sedums, aloes, kalanchoes, echeverias and other
fleshy-leaved species that make up the succulent family. These plants are at
their best when grown in hot sun and poor soil, as these are the conditions in
their native homes. An unwatered and forgotten dish on the front porch in the
baking sun isn’t a death sentence like it’s been for my petunias, instead it’s
just reminds these plants of their grandparent plants.
If I want to limit myself to those that are hardy I’ll
have to use either sempervivums (also known as hen and chicks) or sedums. The
two types of sempervivums, either tight and rounded, with what appear to be
cobwebs across the leaves, and thus called s. arachnoideum (note the spidery
word) or s. tectorum, which is
larger and more open. Both are very graphic and architectural and both have
become super popular in the last few years.
Sedums are more likely to run or creep or spill in habitat
and thus make a great textural connection of continuity throughout the pot. The
taller ones also bunch and group nicely, and make great centerpieces. I however,
always add some of the more sexy tender succulents when I design these kinds of
pots. They have the more varied colors and textures that can really make a
planting sing, whether it’s lavenders and pinks or corals and blacks or even
electric orange, the shapes and colors are startling, foliage that looks like
branched coral, like strung together lobster claws, like Takashi Murakami flowers, they’re all incredible. These
varied echeverias, aeoniums, pachyphytums kangaroo paws and graptopetalums are
like spices in cooking, they can really make a planting sing.
Patterson is using the drought tolerance of Coneflowers, Lambs Ears Coreopsis
and Zinnias as an excuse to plant more in the sandier sections of her garden.
She has no excuse for all the dahlias that arrived in the mail last week.